AI network

Does ChatGPT announce the end of AI sommeliers?

David BECK Academic - Economics, Society and Political science - Environment and Technologies (AI, blockchain)

ChatGPT just passed three of the Master Sommelier theory exams. ChatGPT is a chatbot – a computer program designed to simulate a conversation with a human – developed by the San Francisco-based company OpenAI.
As its name suggests, ChatGPT is based on the GPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer), a type of artificial intelligence (AI) model trained on large amounts of textual data and used to generate textual responses to its users’ questions.

What is Generative AI?

In the past, AI has been used to create simulations of reality or to simulate natural processes. But in generative AI, machines are learning to generate art, music, and other forms of creativity without human intervention or often just by typing a string of text.

Generative AI is a subset of machine learning that focuses on creating algorithms that can generate new data. It is a LLM. A large language model (LLM) is a language model consisting of a neural network with many parameters, trained on large quantities of unlabelled text using self-supervised learning. LLMs emerged around 2018 and perform well at a wide variety of tasks.
Generative AI involves unsupervised and semi-supervised algorithms that allow computers to create new content from previously created content, such as text, audio, video, images and code.

What are the benefits of generative AI?
  • Improved customer experience: this technology can help deliver a better customer experience by creating more personalized products and services.
  • Predictive analytics: this AI can help companies better understand their customers’ needs and preferences in order to create products that meet those needs.
  • Increasing efficiency: generative AI can help make businesses more efficient. This means less time spent searching for information by leveraging data from different sources and combining it into something new and unique.
  • Creating new products and services: Generative AI enables the creation of new products or services, mainly digital content such as images, videos, illustrations, etc. without any programming knowledge.
What are the negatives of generative AI?
  • Security concerns: due to its ability to generate fake photos and images that closely resemble reality, generative AI can increase cases of identity theft, fraud, and forgery. Deepfakes rely on AI to generate realistic videos and photos that can be used to impersonate people or make them appear to be doing things they did not do.
  • Data privacy: data privacy issues may arise from the use of generative AI in different sectors, such as healthcare, as it involves the collection of private information about individuals.
  • Copyright issues: the main copyright issues of generative AI are the same as those of traditional creative works.
  • Limits to creativity: the neural network mindlessly uses past data as a template for future work, which means that the results it produces are usually based on something that has already happened rather than something truly creative.
Read also Why are wine critics do not like AI?

ChatGPT just passed three of the Master Sommelier theory exams

The potential of generative AI goes beyond pretty pictures and videos as it can also analyze conceptual or abstract ideas.

According to OpenAI, GPT-4 now has the ability to pass infamously tricky tests such as the Master Sommelier theory examinations.
The Master Sommelier qualification is one of the highest accolades in the industry, split into theory and practical examinations that take many months of dedicated study to successfully navigate.
According to reports, OpenAI scored a hefty 92% on the introductory Court of Master Sommelier test, 86% on the Certified Sommelier exam and 77% on the Advanced Sommelier exam.

What about the Master of Wine?

Meininger’s spoke to Julian Gore-Booth, Executive Director of The Institute of Masters of Wine (IMW):

“ChatGPT (and other AI platforms) have been on the IMW’s radar for a while now and we are actively exploring whether it poses any risk to the Master of Wine programme. Depending on how you phrase the questions you ask, it is apparent that ChatGPT can do a convincing theory essay, but the MW is a broad qualification that demands much more than this from students at multiple stages on the study and assessment pathway,” he said.

“The concern is real and all educational establishments that use written assessment need to take note of developments in AI. However we are in quite a good position, and particularly when compared to the assessment model used by many educational institutions,” Gore-Booth continued.

Wine recommendations by Generative AI: an AI Sommelier killer?

Over the years, wineries have embraced innovative technologies like eCommerce platforms and wine club management software to stay competitive in the ever-evolving market. Here are a few ways you can incorporate ChatGPT and other AI tools into your business model to level up your marketing, customer service and overall customer experience.

Wine Recommendations, Pairings and Education

One of the primary challenges customers face when purchasing wine is selecting the perfect bottle that suits their tastes and complements their meal. Language models like ChatGPT can be guided to provide personalized wine recommendations and food pairings based on the customer’s preferences and specific requirements. By analyzing their taste profiles, dietary restrictions or even the occasion they’re celebrating through use of a few targeted questions, ChatGPT can suggest wines from your catalog that would best meet their needs. This not only streamlines the decision-making process for customers, it also adds a touch of personalization, making them feel valued and understood.

In recent years, virtual wine tastings have gained popularity as an innovative way to engage customers remotely when tasting rooms were closed due to pandemic restrictions. Here’s another use case for ChatGPT, specifically: you can elevate this experience by offering virtual wine education sessions. The AI can be trained to guide customers through the tasting process, sharing information about each wine, its origin and production techniques.

Personalized Social Media and Marketing Campaigns

With a trained AI language model at your disposal, creating new content for all your accounts becomes exponentially easier, while simultaneously requiring much less human expertise. Just ask for a caption to accompany your Instagram post about an event you’re planning, or an informative blog post on the history of your estate vineyard.

In addition to social media, you can also create highly targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. AI works to segment your customer base and analyze their individual preferences to develop customized email campaigns, promotional offers and event invitations tailored to each person’s interests. This approach can significantly increase conversion rates and foster customer loyalty.

How ChatGPT Can Assist Consumers in Buying Wine – written by ChatGPT

Dr. Liz Thach MW asked ChatGPT to write a post on “How Chat GPT Can Assist Consumers in Buying Wine.”

Here is the text written by ChatGP:
Wine can be an intimidating purchase for many people, particularly if you are not familiar with the different varieties, regions, and producers. Fortunately, with the help of AI language models like ChatGPT, buying wine has never been easier. Here are some ways ChatGPT can assist consumers in buying wine:

1.Recommending Wines: ChatGPT can provide personalized wine recommendations based on your preferences, budget, and occasion. By simply asking ChatGPT for a recommendation, it can suggest different wines that you might enjoy, based on your answers to questions about your preferred taste profile, preferred varietals, and budget. This can be particularly helpful if you are new to wine and don’t know where to start.
2. Providing Information about Wines: ChatGPT can provide information about different wines, such as their origin, flavor profile, grape variety, and food pairing suggestions. This can be especially useful if you are shopping for a specific occasion or meal and want to make sure you choose a wine that complements the food.
3. Answering Wine-Related Questions: ChatGPT can answer any wine-related questions you might have, such as “what is the difference between a Cabernet Sauvignon and a Merlot?”, “what is the best temperature to serve a Chardonnay?”, or “what are the characteristics of a wine from a particular region?”. This can help you make more informed decisions when purchasing wine, as well as help you to become more knowledgeable about wine in general.
4. Keeping Track of Your Wine Preferences: ChatGPT can also keep track of your wine preferences and make recommendations based on your past purchases and ratings. This can help ensure that you always have a wine on hand that you will enjoy, and that you are always exploring new wines that are likely to appeal to you.

The potential of generative AI goes beyond pretty pictures and videos as it can also analyze conceptual or abstract ideas.