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Leveraging AI in the wine industry

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While several technologies still seem futuristic or difficult to access for independent or small and medium-sized hotels, some tools can already help improve the customer experience and operational efficiency. Data analysis now seems to be essential to innovate, satisfy customers by playing on added value and of course charge more.

It is important to identify the source of value, as well as the potential problems encountered. I recommend starting with a business problem to be analyzed before selecting various complementary concrete cases. This allows you to test the value of data analysis at the marketing, sales or even logistics level, and to see the impact of the tools directly.

Data is the key

To do this, businesses must be able to build or have access to a quality database. This is a recurring concern for many professionals who still use somewhat outdated solutions that do not always allow for the collection and processing of truly useful data in relation to the current market situation. A system that gathers data in an infrastructure that facilitates rapid analysis is essential to effectively explore opportunities and needs for improvement.

It is this data that will enable the development of an advanced analytical process.

It is this data that will enable the development of an advanced analytical process. For this, companies need to be able to rely on one or more partners and test different analytical concepts. There are now many players in the data science ecosystem offering platforms and tools based on artificial intelligence to optimize sales, marketing and management strategy.

This is a significant investment, and to generate a return on investment and see real business impact, the data provided by these intelligent solutions must be integrated into existing workflows and decision-making processes. That’s why it’s more interesting for professionals to start with a concrete case, a kind of pilot project, before institutionalizing the use of AI and data analysis based technologies.

Cloud and Internet investment

Perfect internet connection, cloud, algorithms, smart tools and digital applications, technology represents a necessary investment that can be interesting for companies to integrate today. It allows to offer customers an optimized interaction while gaining in productivity. Digital applications and technology tools save staff time and maintenance costs, and result in higher occupancy rates, conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the wine industry and offering companies that have already adopted intelligent tools, including data analytics, a sustainable competitive advantage. This is a new technology cycle that requires businesses to modernize to be able to turn the corner and gain operational efficiency.

Academic - Economics, Society and Political science - Environment and Technologies (AI, blockchain)